Ideas For Craft Business & Etsy Shop Names!

Need some help coming up with names for your craft business or Etsy Shop?


Whether the name is for an Etsy store, a website, a Facebook page, eBay, or whatever else, we’ve got a few ideas!


Make sure you watch the video clips throughout the article for tons of great advice.


Craft Business Name Ideas


craft business name ideas free


Here are a few guidelines when thinking about what to name your craft store:

  • make sure the domain is available (preferably the .com) – I like to use as it shows you which social channel names are also available
  • check to see no one else is using the name
  • don’t choose a name that limits you – eg. don’t use ‘cards’ in your name if you would like to expand beyond cards, perhaps go with ‘papercrafts’
  • don’t make it too long – 3 words is usually a good maximum –  and yes, I realize we’re How To Heat Press ?
  • once you decide on a name, sit on it for a few days before settling for good – I’ve had names I’ve loved initially, which I realized weren’t so great the next day


Nine Craft Shop Name Ideas


I made up all of the examples used below. I haven’t checked to see if there are already business names!


1. Initials


Use Your Initials followed by ‘designs’ or ‘crafts’ – this may or may not work for you, depending on your initials! For example, you should definitely avoid this naming method if your name is Parker Oliver Odem (as in the video below).



2. Location


You can use your location as naming tool. But, if you’re going to be selling online this might not be the best idea, because you don’t want to isolate anyone. For example, calling your craft business ‘Washington State Vinyl Crafts’ would be good if you’re targeting people in Washington, but not a great idea if you want everyone!


However, you could broaden out the location description, by calling it ‘Northern Vinyl Crafts’ or ‘Made North Crafts.’


3. First Name & Noun


Use your first name along with the general term for what you do. This can definitely be boring though!

  • Angela Designs
  • Naomi Creations
  • Danielle Papercrafts
  • Ben’s Boutique


4. First Name & Verb


I think using a verb is slightly more exciting than using a noun, especially when there’s no object of the verb and it’s just left to the imagination!

  • Christina Creates
  • Margaret Makes
  • Chantelle Celebrates


5. Related To Your Craft


Do you have a business crafting with Cricut? Relate your business name to your equipment.

  • Cutting Card Design
  • Cut With Mel
  • Slicing Up Designs


6. Pets


A lot of people look to their pets for business name inspiration! This might include your dog’s name, color, behavior, characteristics, etc.

  • Golden Dog Design
  • Fluffy Pup Crafts
  • Bunny Bee Boxes


7. Nick Names


You can use your own nick names or the nick names of your kids! For example, if your nick name in high school was duck-legs, why not go with Duck Leg Designs?!


8. Terms Of Endearment


We all have terms of endearment for spouses, children, and other loved ones. These can come into play as great craft business names as well.

  • Sweet Pea Place
  • Gooses Craft Shed
  • Nugget Needle Thread



9. State What You do


If you are very niche in what you do, simply stating that in your business name can really work. However, if you think you might branch out at some point, this will be somewhat limiting (As we’ve discovered with ‘How To Heat Press’)!

  • Custom Cards & Crafts
  • Farmhouse Signs Alive
  • Crochet & Card Crafts


Business Naming Resources


Shopify’s Business Name Generator – generates tons of business name ideas from one word supplied by you. Most of the names are no good, but for the words I tested there were definitely a few good options!


Brandon Gaille’s 101 Craft Business Name List – 101 real craft business names to help inspire you to come up with your perfect name!


Let me know some of your ideas in the comments below 🙂



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