Zazzle Reviews & FAQs: What Is Zazzle – Is It Legit?

What is Zazzle all about? Check out these Zazzle reviews!


Zazzle is a site for buyers, designers, and makers!


It’s an online platform that specializes in custom printing on anything and everything. Whether you’re after a pre-designed t shirt, a custom table tennis ball, or a personalized Belgian chocolate bar, you’ll find it on Zazzle!


Zazzle Review


is zazzle legit


While it’s not nearly as big as Amazon, Zazzle is still a huge marketplace offering unique products and services that are not found elsewhere. What sets them apart is the vast range of products that can be personalized or customized.


Zazzle cater to 3 groups of people:

  1. Shoppers – shop, buy, enjoy
  2. Designers – get paid for your designs
  3. Makers – make the final product


Shopping On Zazzle


For buyers there are two main categories:

  1. Create your own designs and have them printed on whatever you choose (shirts, mugs, stationery, etc.)
  2. Search the marketplace for designs from other amazing creators – have your favorite design printed on the product of your choice


The ‘designing your own stuff’ part shouldn’t be daunting. You don’t need to have any prior skills or experience to create simple designs, or to easily do up a text design. The platform has all the tech to support you in this process, and it really is a breeze!


Designing For Zazzle


For designers, Zazzle is an opportunity to get your designs in front of a massive audience. It works like a print on demand site, where the product isn’t created until it has been ordered.


See the process laid out in this diagram from Zazzle’s designer sign up page.


how zazzle works


The process is very easy, and the Zazzle reviews from designers are very good – you even have some control over the pricing!


Zazzle Makers


Zazzle has a network of Makers who list and sell their quality products on the platform. Do you have a business selling interesting products that can be customized?


Anyone with a unique product can apply to sell their goods through the Zazzle platform. This is a streamlined process to getting everything going, and it’s totally safe and legit!


Is Zazzle Legit?


This is a common question which sellers, in particular, have when considering designing or making products for Zazzle.


The answer is simply, YES! Zazzle is totally legit.


The company was started over 15 years ago, and has grown into a successful business, generating well over $200 million in revenue. They are a staple in the custom printing world, and have been tried and tested by a ton of individuals and businesses.


Is Zazzle safe? Yes, work with them and learn how to best maximize your returns through selling on Zazzle.


What is Zazzle Black?


is zazzle black worth it Zazzle Black is a bit like Amazon Prime.


You can pay a yearly fee of $9.95 and get free standard shipping on all your Zazzle purchases. Alternatively, pay $39.95 per year to receive free 2 day shipping on all qualifying purchases.


Zazzle Vs Redbubble


Zazzle Vs Redbubble

RedBubble is another popular print on demand site, very similar to Zazzle.


When comparing the two sites from a buyers perspective, it’s hard to say which is best! Both sites offer a great range of products at a decent price. The buying and/or design process is very easy and intuitive, and the final product is of good quality.


For designers and makers, the streamlined process is simple and straightforward, and the main concern is how much you end up making! Who pays more? RedBubble or Zazzle?


With RedBubble, you determine the selling price of your artwork on the product. The base price of the product, plus your margin, equals the retail price. You get to set your margin.


With Zazzle, the same goes! Set your margin or “royalty percentage” to whatever you like, be it 5% to 99%, and that will determine the final retail price of the product on top of the base price.


CafePress Vs Zazzle


cafepress vs zazzle

It’s a similar story with Zazzle vs CafePress.


CafePress is yet another custom printing website for both buyers and sellers. The range for buyers is excellent, with many original designs from excellent designers.


The tools for designing your own t shirts, mugs, and home decor are also simple to use – you shouldn’t have any difficulties!


For designers and sellers, there is a little less flexibility with how prices are set. Earnings are usually between 5 – 10% of the sale price.


Zazzle Reviews


So that’s how Zazzle works, and a little on how to use it.


When it comes to comparing Zazzle vs RedBubble vs CafePress, you don’t necessarily need to settle on one site. You can test and try them all and find out which is best for your style.


Different sites attract different people, and it might be that your designs simply do better on one site over another for that reason alone!


Make sure you head on over to the Zazzle Marketplace to check out the full range of products and accessories on offer. There are new listings going up all the time, and you never know what you might find and be inspired by.


Let us know if you have any questions in the comments below!



(Please note: This post contains affiliate links. Read our full disclosure policy here.)

Comments 2

  1. Avatar for Erin Eleven Erin Eleven February 9, 2020

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