Siser Glitter Heat Transfer Vinyl | The Best Glitter Heat Transfer Vinyl

Glitter heat transfer vinyl is one of our favorite HTVs!


We love using glitter heat transfer vinyl for making t-shirts and baby onesies. The hardest part is having to weed and throw away all the excess unusable vinyl!


Our favorite Glitter Iron On vinyl is Siser glitter heat transfer vinyl. Read on and I’ll tell you all about it. Also find glitter HTV application instructions below.


Siser Glitter Heat Transfer Vinyl


siser glitter heat transfer vinyl sheets


This pack of Siser glitter vinyl sheets is a great pack to start using glitter HTV.


Here’s why we really like Siser glitter vinyl heat transfer:

  • It is SOOO easy to weed – seriously, it’s even easier to weed than standard Siser EasyWeed
  • They have a great color range – 47 colors available
  • It cuts very well – I use the Cricut Explore Air 2 with the standard blade
  • It applies and adheres very well


Most Glitter HTV can be applied with any heat pressing device. This includes household irons, the Cricut Easy Press, or a heat press. We’ve been mostly using the PowerPress machine for applying Siser glitter HTV because it’s just a lot quicker and easier.


What Can Glitter Iron-On Be Applied To?


You can apply glitter heat transfer vinyl to a ton of different surfaces.

  • T-shirts, baby onesies, sweatshirts, or most cotton or poly/cotton blend fabrics
  • Canvas (for example, a glitter vinyl reverse canvas project)
  • Accessories like tote bags, purses, pencil cases, etc.
  • Caps and hats


Glitter Vinyl Sheets


siser glitter heat transfer vinyl sheets


siser glitter heat transfer vinyl sheetsSiser Glitter Vinyl comes in a huge range of colors. The 12 pack of glitter vinyl sheets pictured left, includes Black, Blue, Red, Gold, Silver, Purple, Grass Green, Neon Pink, Neon Blue, Black Gold, Light Multi (love this one!), and White glitter heat transfer vinyl.


cricut glitter heat transfer vinyl sheets iron onCricut Glitter Iron On Vinyl is another premium glitter HTV. You can always be sure that you are getting a quality product with Cricut. Available in a ton of colors with great names like ‘glitter grape’ and ‘glitter multi pink’.


Glitter Iron On Vinyl Rolls


Not only can you get a glitter vinyl sheet, but you can get a glitter vinyl roll!


If you have a big order for glitter vinyl t-shirts then it might be best to get a roll. Or, if you love glitter HTV as much as me, it is definitely best to buy a roll!!


siser glitter heat transfer vinyl roll

Expressions Vinyl sell Siser glitter rolls in a size that is great for Cricut and Silhouette cutting machines. These rolls are 12 inches wide, which will fit cutting machines with 12 inch wide cutting mats.

The length of these rolls is 5 feet and they are for sale in 14 different colors at an incredible price.



Amazon also sells Siser glitter HTV – it can be bought in a range of widths. For example, 10 inches by 5 feet or 20 inches by 5 feet for use with larger and wider cutting machines.




vinyl frog glitter heat transfer vinyl rollsVinyl Frog is another source for cheap glitter vinyl heat transfer. I haven’t used this brand myself, but it is very well reviewed and can be bought at a great price. It is available in 12 different colors.



How To Cut Glitter Iron On


I use the Cricut Explore Air 2 and I simply set my dial to ‘Custom’ and then select ‘Glitter Iron On’ from the custom settings. This worked well for cutting Siser Glitter HTV. I don’t tend to put my machine on fast cut though, especially when cutting more intricate designs.


Glitter HTV is so glittery that it can be especially difficult to see the cut lines when weeding your design. I recommend using weeding boxes in Cricut Design Space so that you can easily see where your design starts and finishes. Another option is to weed your HTV under a bright light or use a product like the Cricut BrightPad.


How To Apply Glitter Heat Transfer Vinyl


glitter heat transfer vinyl project baby clothes

My recent project – glitter HTV on a baby onesie


Applying glitter HTV is much the same as applying any other iron on vinyl.


It can be applied with:

  • a heat press
  • the Cricut EasyPress
  • a home iron


One thing that you cannot do with glitter vinyl that you can with many others, is layer it below another vinyl. Glitter vinyl can be layered on top of other vinyls (such as standard Siser Easyweed), but it should not be used as a base layer when layering.


Apply With An Iron


How to apply with an iron:

  • Set dial to between the cotton and linen setting
  • Place garment on a hard, flat surface to press (I use a wooden chopping board)
  • Pre-iron garment to remove wrinkles and moisture
  • Set design in position
  • Use a Teflon sheet or parchment paper to cover your design
  • Press down with iron with medium/firm pressure for 10-15 seconds
  • Repeat over each section of the design – it’s OK if parts get hit twice
  • If areas of the design lift after application, re-press for another 10 seconds
  • Peel carrier sheet away while warm
  • I usually replace the Teflon sheet and press another 10 seconds to be sure!


Applying With EasyPress


How to apply with an EasyPress:

  • Set Cricut EasyPress to 340°F (171°C) and allow to heat up
  • Pre-heat your garment to get rid of moisture and wrinkles
  • Cover the glitter transfer with Teflon Sheet
  • Press down with EasyPress for 30 seconds
  • Flip garment over and heat back for 15 seconds
  • Flip back over and remove carrier sheet while warm


Application With Heat Press


How to apply with a heat press:

  • Set heat press to 320°F/160°C and allow to reach temperature
  • Pre-press garment for 2-3 seconds
  • Position glitter transfer in place and cover with protective sheet
  • Set timer in heat press to 15 seconds at firm pressure
  • Peel carrier sheet away while warm
  • I usually press for another 5 seconds


Glitter Iron On Vinyl Resources


That’s all the recommendations and instructions for Glitter HTV that we have for you today. Check out the following video on how to apply Siser glitter heat transfer vinyl for a full demonstration!




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